
A member of PolyVentures


years of R&D


journals and conference publications


startup support grants & programmes

 See our publications

We are a pioneering team, who are keen to build a better future with you, backed by industrial experience & university research.

We are unique!

10 Years of R&D

Throughout the 10 years of research and Ph.D. studies in the university, we published 10+ papers and receive 4 local and regional awards.

Sub-meter level accuracy

Compared to other solutions of an accuracy of 3 - 5 meters, we can achieve as low as 0.1 - 0.5 meters.

New positioning paradigms

We have developed new positioning paradims that allows new types of applications, such as peer-to-peer positioning, ad-hoc positioning and infrastructure-less positioning.

In-house designed software and hardware

Instead of relying on third-party vendors, we develop our own hardware and software, which allows us to gain better control of the cost and functions.

PolyU support, research and outcome

We are supported by PolyU Lean Launchpad 2020, InnoHub, Industrial Centre, and PolyU GBA Startup Postdoc Programme.

Strong academic and industry connection

We collaborate closely with PolyU and Hong Kong Science Park in research and business development to bring the research outcome to the world.

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